Tuesday, June 27, 2023


I don't have time to mention, much less address the major "issues" we must face in this rapidly changing zoo, which we call life, but let me make some quick, short comments.

Persecution will come because we do not bow at the altar of the State and we do not sacrifice to the god's of this world.

Christians should not allow a wicked society and pagan worldview to determine our thinking, our words or our lives.

When I know the facts...
I do not refer to biological males as she or her, as their gender.
I do not refer to biological females as he or him, as their gender.

Just because others are living in a world of make believe and chaos does not mean that I have to follow them in their perversity.
Just because others deny that God made us male or female does not mean that I will join in their God denial and their resistance to Divine truth or honesty and common sense.

It will be costly to remain faithful to God, His word, truth, sanity, but the cost for betraying God, His word, truth and sanity is far greater and lasts for a lot longer.

Though everyone in my workplace bows to pagan deception, I refuse to follow.
Though it cost me position and/or income, I will not betray God, His word, truth or sanity by being dishonest.
Though it brings oppressive action by a wicked government, I will not betray God, His word, truth or sanity by being dishonest.

We should never let another person's sinful bullying and threats move us from being steadfastly faithful to God and His word.

There was never a time when perverted, aberrant, deviant, godless behavior should have become acceptable, permitted or legal. Sin is sin is sin is sin and it is never acceptable. Unlike those who have a libertine god and those who have an unloving god, I serve the true and living God who is loving, merciful, patient and kind AS WELL AS just and true. Because Christians are born again and we are created in righteousness and true holiness, and because we are also loving, merciful, patient and kind, as well as just and true, we love our enemies and we love the lost, but we do not agree with the error of the wicked and we do not follow the prince of darkness.

We should never say that we don't care what people do in the dark, in their "private lives" because if it is perverted it will become promoted and protected and prescribed by society and the State. It will be something that our children and their children will be taught to accept and agree with, to the damning of their soul.

The minor compromises we make today build insurmountable walls for the next generation. Be careful of the world you are creating for your children and their children.

To deny God's word is to deny God. If we deny Him, He will deny us, regardless of what our relationship with Him has been in the past.

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