Tuesday, August 29, 2023



I heard a non-believer say that any parent who would not lay down his/her life for their child is a danger to their children. 

I might have phrased it differently, but the point is valid and it is much more disturbing than it might seem to be. 

Laying down your life is not always done in a super heroic fashion. Laying down your life does not always require being thrown to the lions or burned at the stake or shot by a firing squad.
Laying down your life might mean making choices that puts the children ahead of personal desires and goals, even when the desires and goals are admirable.
Laying down your life might mean changing your understanding, your point of view, your hopes, your rights.
It might mean bringing your reason, your desire, your emotions, your conscience and your will into a different alignment.

Sometimes parents are dedicated to give their children the best they can, from their own limited and conditioned point of view. They have seen life from a temporal or a spiritually shallow perspective. Therefore they give their children either limited or even destructive direction in life. This is where sound counsel comes into the picture. Wisdom needs to be sought and followed. The wisdom of the word and the wisdom of a walk with God is greater than the wisdom of this world, regardless how lofty it may seem to be. Children do not need the pleasures, the praises, the positions offered by this world. Children need to be taught that wisdom and true meaning are not found in the accolades of men but in the acceptance of God. 

The real question is what is the absolute best advantage a parent can give their child? Here are some components to consider.
Truth, Biblical truth.
Loving family and loving church family.
Godly examples.
Morally driven friends.
Unfailing and uncompromising preaching and teaching and pastoral leadership.

Sadly, there are parents who are looking to promote their dreams above their children's needs and there are people who profess faith in Christ who want their own way more than they want God's way.

Remember, giving your best means denying yourself. That too, is Biblical parenting.

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