People talk about the coming of another civil war. We have already had another civil war, and America lost; at least Christian, conservative, traditional, common sense America lost. But it was a cold war. Not a shot was fired (at least by the oppressed). Not even a corporate whimper. There has been a lot of whining and saber rattling but no physical resistance to the overthrow of freedom, financial success, family units and family values, faith, there has been a lot of empty boasting about fearless patriotism but very little following of Christ in standing against evil. This is why we lost the cold war, the civil war. We lost our freedoms, our rights, our protection from evil, our place in the world, our families, our future.
Evil came in and overthrew what was left of order and dignity and loyalty and responsibility and truth and accountability and whatever else goes with the nation we were in the past. I am not advocating for a hot war, but there may be one in the future. Even so, the war against America has already been lost. However, if there is a hot war, it will not be a hot war (carnal weapons) for eternal values, because eternal values is a spiritual war, it is not a war of flesh and steel and blood letting, it is a war where the oppressed give their lives in sacrifice rather than take the lives of their enemies. The spiritual war will not be a national uprising (I believe that boat has already sailed), but it will be more localized and personal. Sadly, there will be few spiritual warriors who will stand firm for Jesus as the battle heats up. Most "Christians" (pastors and parishioners) could not stand up for Jesus (or even for their children) when it was easy, and as a result the present generation of children and young people were flung to the hyenas, while the Second A people and supposed warrior of the cross boasted in their fake courage and cowardly indignation, but abandoned God, His word, their families and their faith.
The opportunity to reach our society may have come to a close. We can's save the Ship of State, but we can reach those who are shipwrecked and adrift. Still, it is going to take deep commitment and self sacrifice.
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