Tuesday, October 24, 2023



That believers cannot overcome temptation;
That believers cannot obey God and keep His commands;
That believers cannot walk in the light, as Christ is in the light;
That believers cannot be cleansed from all sin;
That believers cannot be cleansed from all unrighteousness;
That believers cannot walk in the Spirit and overcome the lusts of the flesh;
That believers cannot live victoriously over sin and temptation;
That believers cannot be holy or pure or righteous, even as God is holy, pure and righteous;
That believers cannot be perfect in love, even as our heavenly Father is perfect in love;
That believers cannot be delivered from sin's power and pollution, in this present evil world;
That believers cannot be delivered from Satan and temptation, in this present evil world;
That believers cannot have victory over the World, the Flesh, the Devil, Sin and Temptation in this present evil age.
That the Word of God cannot or will not protect us from sinning;
That believers cannot do that which is pleasing in God's sight;
That believers must sin every day, in word, thought and deed.

That the Blood of Christ, the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God saves the believer from sinning.
That God, Who dwells in believers, is greater than he (the devil) that is in this world;
That believers can walk in victory;
That God enables believers to always triumph in Christ;
That God makes believers more than conquerors through Christ;
That believers can be dead to sin;
That believers can build themselves up in God's holy faith;
That believers can keep themselves in the love of God;
That God is able to keep believers from falling;
That believers can be steadfast, immovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord;
That believers can be cleansed of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit and be perfected in holiness;
That the fullness of the Holy Spirit purifies the heart of the believer;
That God requires and provides cleansing of the life and purifying of the heart.
And the list goes on and on and on.

They either do not know what the Bible says or they choose to not believe what the Bible says;
In Either Case, They Don't Believe...
They don't believe in Biblical salvation;
They don't believe in Biblical grace of God;
They don't believe that Christians are new creations, old things are past away and all things become new.
They don't believe in the indwelling and leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians.

Instead, They Believe...
That God is unable to save faithful believers from sin and sinning,
That God is unwilling to save faithful believers from sin and sinning,
That God wills for faithful believers to remain in sin and sinning,
That God does not care that faithful believers continue in sin and sinning.

Salvation Truth...
Salvation is not man doing his best.
Salvation is not man doing his best with God's assistance.
Salvation is God doing His miraculous work through loving, obedient, submissive children.

Jesus came to save His people from their sins.

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