Wednesday, October 4, 2023



We are seeing natural disasters (fires, floods, storms, disease), as well as wars and rumors of wars spread globally along with various forms of man's inhumanity to man. These are two categories of, "end times" conditions. These problems have always been present, but the they are intensifying in occurrence, extent, rapidity, severity.

Maybe more telling evidence, concerning the status of the world, is the corruption of man and the corrupting of the message of the Bible. We are watching the horrors of sin on the world-wide stage and in the lives of individuals as they are developing day by day. 

The blatant rejection of God and His word and His grace and His salvation and His people is running rampant, even among those who loudly profess faith in Him. Paul said this would happen. (I have formatted and marked (with an asterisk *) the passage in order to highlight the specific points).
2 Timothy 3:1-5
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
* For men shall be
* lovers of their own selves,
* boasters,
* proud,
* blasphemers,
* disobedient to parents,
* unthankful,
* unholy,
* Without natural affection,
* trucebreakers,
* false accusers,
* incontinent,
* fierce,
* despisers of those that are good,
* heady,
* highminded,
* lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
* Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:
*from such turn away.

DLG note
As walking in light leads to light, so walking in grace leads to grace.
Grace produces graciousness.
Likewise, walking in rebellion leads to walking in rebellion.

To ignore, reject, redefine or repackage saving grace will morph into a life lacking social graces (self control, kindness, humility, civility, compassion, cordiality, courteousness, fairness, decency, honesty).

Be gracious, do not be graceless.

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