Tuesday, October 31, 2023



"Let God be true but every man a liar." This is a basic Biblical principle. The God of the Bible is merciful, kind, loving, forgiving, compassionate and reconciling. He does not want anyone to perish, but He wants everyone to come to repentance. Read the Book. He Who is love, loves His enemies.

This does not mean God is unjust and it does not mean that God will not hold us responsible for our willful disobedience, but it does mean that where sin does abound, grace does much more abound.

God loved sinners so much that He gave His Only Begotten Son to die for the sins of the world. God seeks the sinner to save the sinner. God is love, God is longsuffering, God is not easily provoked, God does not rejoice in iniquity.

God prefers to draw us to repentance through His forbearance rather than drive us to repentance through force and judgment.

If we will not respond to His loving call and offer, and if we will not humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways, God will not only judge us, He will pour out His wrath and vengeance on us.

Do not accuse God of creating sin or reprobating us or tempting us with sin or saving some because He favors (prefers) them above others and unilaterally chooses some to be saved and chooses not to save others.

He provides salvation for all men, on the basis of faith in Christ. Yes, we have a part in our salvation; it is to believe, to repent, to confess Christ, to confess our sins, to confess our faith in Christ, to follow fully by living by faith.

How convenient to say God created us to sin.

How convenient to say humans have no choice.

How convenient to blame God for making it impossible for people to get saved.

Some people explain their view of God in a way similar to the proverbial blind men of India explaining the nature of an elephant by simply touching a part of an elephant.

The elephant was described by the blind men, based on their limited knowledge.
The side of the elephant felt like a large strong wall.
The ear of the elephant felt like a large fan.
The leg of the elephant felt like a tree.
The trunk of the elephant felt like a large snake.
The tail of the elephant felt like a rope.

A proper understanding would have required more knowledge and understanding. I am constantly seeing and hearing people who describe God as either an angry, wrathful, vengeful, loveless, graceless ogre or as a, "name-it-claim-it" benefactor. God is neither.

Read the Bible, accept God's clear revelation of Himself, then believe in the God of the Bible, rather than the god of false religion.

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