Tuesday, May 23, 2023



People are willing to vote Biden out because he has crippled the economy, which is what he actually told us he would do, following in Barry's footprints. But people were not listening or understanding the concept of Fundamentally Changing America.

It is sad that communism only bothers some folks when their pocketbook suffers, or when US give-away programs are redirected to the illegal invaders instead of the home grown welfare dependency culture.

It is also sad that the loss of governmental financial benefits are more important to people than American exceptionalism, Christian morality, family values, religious freedom, American independence, freedom of speech, common sense and the rock solid facts which are blindly rejected by the un-woke agenda of the Liberal movement.

If I was promised financial stability for life, I would refuse it if it meant giving up the true riches of freedom I mentioned earlier. Plus the fact that those who turn you against godliness are only luring you into their trap with the bait of financial promises, which they do not intend to honor.

It is not really about the money, it is about greed and idolatry, which lures you away from dignity, truth, righteousness, salvation and Jesus.

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