Thursday, April 20, 2023



This written portion is not necessarily part of the post. These are thoughts I had and posted them to myself, so that I would not forget them.

(from Q and A time in service last night)...
God created man, body (able to see, hear, taste smell, feel), soul (with reason, desire emotion, conscience and will), and spirit (image and consciousness if God).
God created man with a responsive free will (not an all powerful or unlimited, creative free will).
Adam sinned, which separated himself and weakened and corrupted his nature, by adding a sinful inclination that would be passed on to all of his (Adam's) descendants. This evil disposition or inclination is often call the Sinful Nature, but is Biblically referred to as, The Old Man, the Double Mind, being Carnally Minded, The Flesh (not the physical body, but the mind set on this world or carnal realities). This is what is meant when King David said that he was shaped in iniquity and conceived in sin.

It is inevitable that we will sin at some point in our life because we have a predisposition to sin not because God has predetermined for us to sin. We will sin at some point in our life because that is our sinful nature working its way through our lives it is not about God's foreordination of our lives.

Not only do we have a predisposition (the sin nature), but our original nature has been weakened and corrupted. The combination of a weakened condition and a strong predisposition to sin, along with being attacked by a highly effective enemy (Satan), is the formula for failure.

This does not mean that God's grace is not sufficient to save us and keep us. Remember, His grace covered us before we were born; His grace covered us as new born babies; His grace covered us in our earliest years and His grace is provided to cover and transform us after we sin. All of God predestining is grace and mercy. Our sinning is our own choice, the saving us from our sins was God's choice from before the foundation of the world. God never deserves any blame for our fallen condition. Not only have we all chosen to sin, we have all chosen to resist and reject the Lordship of God in our lives. Yet, God has loved us when we were unlovely and unlovable. God sought us when we were lost in sin and rebellion. Christ died for us when we were children of disobedience and darkness, calling us to His marvelous light.

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