Wednesday, April 26, 2023



Some of my friends, which appear to be moving forward in their spiritual lives, are the most likely to quote spiritual nuggets they glean from the messages they hear from their own pastors (such as total commitment, holiness of heart and life and full salvation).

It is also true that some of my friends, which have a form of godliness but lack the power of the resurrection life, quote from their own pastors, who are preaching another Jesus, another Spirit and another gospel (such as sinning religion or miracle mongering).

The old saying is, "you are what you eat." This is true spiritually as well as physically and mentally. Too many people are feeding on the husks of man-made religion, while some are being fed nothing but the milk of the word. Seek out a preacher who preaches, "the faith, once for all delivered to the saints," and, he should be preaching more than entry level salvation. Your pastor should be declaring to you "the whole counsel of God."

However, it does not matter how pure and powerful the message is that your pastor preaches, if you do not walk in the light God gives you, you will be unproductive and face the possibility of being cut off and cast away. We must not be "hearers only," but doers of the word of God.

But if your pastor is preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ, you should be repeating those truths to others and inviting them to, "come and see," what God's word can do in their lives.

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