The view from my study, office, work-out room. My "net house" is a great place for family and friends to get together for feasting, fun and faith gatherings (fellowship, praise, study, singing, encouragement, building up and equipping for spiritual service).
I hope you, your family and friends are part of a local body of believers, being built into a holy temple of God.
Ephesians 2:17-22
17 And He (Jesus Christ) came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near.
18 For through Him (God the Son) we both have access by one Spirit (God the Holy Spirit) to (God) the Father.
19 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,
20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone,
21 in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord,
22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
(comments from photos in this post)
I not only meet with our folks in-person here in Williston, but also online. I also will meet with folks in their homes to set up Bible studies for them, their families and friends (sometimes in home and sometimes with an internet connection). Special studies are also offered in both formats.
I use my out building (Net House) to lead praise, and the study of God's word. This includes in-person gatherings and online outreach for local folks and friends at a distance (domestic and foreign).
As you will see in the following photos, we sing together, feast together, fellowship and have fun together.
I use the large monitor to share visual helps and to include our live-stream people to interact with the in-person group.
At present we have seven households in our local fellowship. Numbers are only important because numbers represent people, and we care about people. Singles and families are very important to us.
We have eight young people at the present time (two of them are not in this photo). Our saved young people are not only going to be the church sometime in the future, they are the church now.
We gather for special occasions, such as birthdays and holidays.
It is essential for young people to be committed to Christ and to be involved with other young people who love the Lord.
Celebrations are important, but sometimes folks just play games or converse or play music.
Parents and children should be enjoying and participating in the same worship, study of God's word, and fellowship with God and His people.
Each part of the body has interests they share with others, as well as participate corporately with the other parts of the body.
We are starting a Monthly Men's Fellowship (in-person and online) as well as a Weekly Men's Ministry Study (also in-person and online). We have 5 local men (as well as 4 local teen males), along with 2 online men. Our Men's Ministry Study should start May 5 and include men form at least one other online Church group.
And, as some of you have seen in some of my videos, I use the Net House as an indoor walking track for my health. I need to walk, but I don't need the pollen, so I walk inside the building. I often listen to music and discussion videos and sometimes make my own teaching videos while walking. You can see me at the far end of The Net House. At present I am doing 3-4 miles (at 3 mph) a day. I also do weights and machine exercises at home.
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