Tuesday, July 4, 2023



I watch a CoE street apologist debate Islamist, atheist, Secular Humanists and other promoters of false faith. He is well educated, sincere, passionate and a very talented communicator. But I heard him tell people today that they should read the Bible, especially the words of Jesus. (This is good advice). He interjected that the teachings of Jesus have, "deep metaphysical truths." He went on to say that The Sermon On The Mount is instruction on how to live the Christian life. (Again, this advice contains truth). But "deep, metaphysical truths that instruct us in salvation is not the gospel.

But why couch the gospel in Psychological and Humanistic terms? Just keep it simple and Scriptural. Salvation is the miraculous incoming of the Holy Spirit into our lives, the transformation of regeneration. As we trust and follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit brings to us God's revelation, God's enlightenment, which enables and empowers us to live a miraculous life that is pleasing to God.

However, ritualistic religion often times misses the miraculous and experiential side of salvation, replacing it with formulaic religion.

There must be a personal realization for salvation and a surrendered faith in Christ as the risen Lord.

I also read recently a post, which quoted Arthur Pink (a raving Calvinist). Pink was saying that the further he goes in his faith, the more he is aware if the wickedness of his flesh. Actually, the more we draw close to Jesus the more we should see our own incompetence and frailty and our need for Jesus. Through Christ we can do all things. I know the context of the verse, but I also know that the application of the principle is true in our walk with Christ. He enables us to do that which is pleasing to Himself. He enables us to not do that which is displeasing to Himself. He has called me to walk in the light, to keep His commandments and do that which is pleasing in His sight. He has called me to be delivered from sinful nature, the Old Man, (which is also referred to as "the flesh," not to be confused with the physical body of flesh).

Pink refers to Romans 7:18, supposedly to prove that he all wants to stop sinning, but he is unable because of his "flesh" (his sinful nature, from which he claims that he cannot be delivered in this present world.

If Pink had read the end of chapter 7 he would have seen that Paul asked who would deliver him from this "body of death" (aka the sinful nature, the carnal mind, the Old Man). Also, if Pink had read the end of Romans chapter seven and ALSO Romans chapter eight he would see that God has provided complete deliverance from all sin in this present life.

Salvation is not us doing better or struggling the rest of our natural life with the sinful nature, it is us living in victory, walking in the light, being pure even as Christ is pure. This is what the Bible teaches, contrary to the teaching of sinning religion.

Reformed Theology does not teach this complete deliverance through the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and the enlightenment of the Holy Bible. Also, there are those who know the Biblical truth, but they are not living the life of victory because they are not surrendered to the power of God. Salvation delivers us from the penalty, the pollution and the power of sin.

It is not a matter of do the best you can or a matter of presuming on God's mercy (believing that God does not hold people accountable for sins they are committing, supposedly as believers. He does not accept us in our sin or our sin in us. He accepts the repentant, believing person and delivers them from all sin in this present, evil age.

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