Tuesday, July 11, 2023



I had not sung an old Christian chorus in very long time, but around 12:45 am I had a dream.
In the dream I was with a group of other believers.

We encountered another group of people (who were not Christians) and I asked them if they knew what Christians had for breakfast.
They said, "no."

I started singing and my friends joined with me.
We sang,
"Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus in the morning, Jesus at the noon time,
Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus when the sun goes down."

My friends were good singers and joined me, singing in harmony.

When we finished, the other group asked us to keep on singing.

We sang the same song, including two other verses.
"Love Him, Love Him,
Love Him in the morning, love Him in the noontime,
Love Him, Love Him,
Love Him when the sun goes down.

Serve Him, Serve Him,
Serve Him in the morning, Serve Him in the noontime,
Serve Him, Serve Him,
Serve Him when the sun goes down."

I am not a singer, but I have sometimes sung a song, as a witnessing tool. People will sometimes listen to a song more intently.

I remember witnessing to a convenient store clerk one time (in the late 1960s).
As other customers were coming into the store, I wanted them to hear my witness too, so I asked the clerk If I, along with Steve, a fellow Bible college student (who sang in our college men's quartet), could sing a song for her.
She said yes.

I don't remember the song but my friend joined in, making it a much better presentation. The clerk listened and some of the other customers stood still and listened.

Anyway, back to my dream comment. I had not sung this song, "Jesus, Jesus..." for quite a while, but there it was. I woke up singing it in my mind and it has been lingering for the past couple of hours.

I suspect I will still be singing it later today. What a blessing to have such a fun and meaningful dream.

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