Tuesday, July 11, 2023



Probably the most significant sign, as the end draws near, is all invasive, rapidly spreading, totally destructive deception and chaos, in every area of life.

Today's dystopian, dysphoric society is just the tip of the coming "iceberg." Knowledge is increasing faster than it can be absorbed and technology (AI and Quantum Computers) is ushering in an apocalyptic world. But, as Scripture says, knowledge will multiply but men will not be coming to the knowledge of the truth.

The more society learns and the more society changes, the less society knows and the less likely society is to be enlightened and transformed by God and His salvation.

The lies abound in science, media, communication, history, medicine, politics. Likewise, Satan's deception, his lies about God, about salvation, about the Bible, about morality, about doctrine, about interpersonal relationships, about Christian relationships and Christian living are a worldwide plague, and the only hope is loving and walking in the light of God's truth.

I am dedicated to staying on top of spiritual dangers and threats, and I have been combating the gathering darkness for almost sixty years, but it is impossible to keep up with the flood of lies. If it is so difficult for a full time, God appointed shepherd, how much more daunting for even the dedicated, well established churchman?

I work at it and I study God's word in order to lead my people away from, and out of Satan's traps. Yet, there are people who are being deceived, ensnared, poisoned because they choose the appeal of forbidden fruit instead of the correction of the word of God. I watch as people reject Biblical truth and blindly dance into a life of self aggrandizement, drawing their family and friends with them.

I often study and teach about the dangers of false teaching and false teachers. Sadly, most people swallow the popular lies and resent anyone who attempts to tell them otherwise.

It is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I can see the disastrous end, but I can't get the victims to listen, much less turn from their destructive ways.

Don't take these days lightly and don't take Bible teaching and counsel lightly. The only way out of the coming darkness is to walk in all of the light of God. Don't just listen for sound doctrine, seek it with your whole heart and embrace it as if your soul depends on it, because it does.

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