Sunday, July 16, 2023



This is not a prophecy, but an observation that will probably be a factor in future beliefs and behavior, including spiritual and moral concerns.

The internet is a powerful source of information, sometimes for good and sometimes for evil.

People who are looking for Bible and Christian information, truth, guidance on the internet can find it, but they must wade through tons of misinformation, deception, error.

This makes it likely that most people, including followers of Christ, will be led to sites which are antagonistic to the Bible and the God of the Bible.

As we have seen, dangerous sites abound and either corrupt or feed the corruption of those who turn to the world wide web for entertainment, information, inspiration, companionship.

We are seeing the dark possibilities of the internet, as it relates to future beliefs and behavior. The Biblical warning concerning an end-times system of One World Government, One World Economy and One World Religion finds an open door to the souls (reason and desire and emotion and conscience and will) of mankind. And sadly, most folks do not have a gate keeper who can protect them from deadly intruders.

We do not need to wait for this deception and control through the internet to come in the future. It is already at work, and gaining speed everyday.

I warn everyone, including well intentioned followers of Christ, do not let the internet take the place of a soundly established Bible preacher/teacher. You need to know the person who feeds and leads you. You need to know their testimony, their Biblical stance, their personal commitment, their dedication to live according to the word of God.

I am constantly amazed at how Satan's dark deceptions are packaged and propagated as Biblical truth, concerning Bible, doctrine, music, history, salvation. It is bad enough that there are relatively few teachers and preachers of truth, but the superabundance of false teachers and false teaching found on the internet makes the probability of deception much more likely.


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