Friday, July 14, 2023



Most of us have seen movies about tyrants who oppressively rule over their people, giving free reign to their children to do as they please without any consequences for their evil behavior. In fact, we have seen politicians who use their authority to shield their own crimes, the crimes of their cohorts and the crimes of their children. The crimes can be personal or they can be crimes against the people at large or against specific segments of society.

We have seen a POTUS who has used his authority and power without justice and without righteous standards for himself, his family, and as a millstone on U.S. society. As someone has said (at least on the human level), "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Here are some thoughts I had concerning power and authority, which are not controlled by justice, mercy, grace, or love.

Sovereignty without justice selectively permits, protects, promotes and prospers the wicked, the rebellious, the lawless and the evil.

Sovereignty without justice selectively overlooks and endorses evil.

Sovereignty without justice punishes the law abiding and moral person.

Sovereignty without mercy designs a society and a world for the purpose of oppression, wrath and punishment.

Sovereignty without mercy is ungracious.

Sovereignty without mercy is graceless.

Sovereignty without justice and mercy either selectively ignores criminal activity or sets up loopholes, which decriminalize the actions of the criminal.

Sovereignty without justice and without mercy standardizes corruption and oppression.

God's love, grace, mercy and justice are not limited by His sovereignty or defined by His sovereignty.

The one true and living God of the Bible is sovereign, but His sovereignty serves His moral traits of justice, mercy, grace and love.

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