Friday, July 14, 2023



Sometimes people say things that are not only beyond their own wisdom, but things that are contrary to their own belief system. This is especially true with teachers, writers, speakers, composers of Christian material.

Years ago, a popular motivational writer who went under the banner of "Christian", wrote the phrase, "From Peak to Peek", indicating that successful people advance from a level of success to envision another level of success.
Though I do not agree with that person's theology, the statement itself has value. In fact, the phrase can be turned several ways and still have value.

From "Peek to Peek"
God gives believers insight, understanding of certain truths. When a person has a "Peek" into God's will and follows, obeys, applies the principles of that truth, the person will be given another "Peek" into another, more advanced vision.

From " Peek to Peak"
A Christian needs to have a vision, an understanding, a hope, a "Peek" into the will of God before he actually reaches a "Peak" or mountaintop experience. Hope precedes Faith, and Faith follows Jesus from victory to victory. But where there is no vision, the people perish.

From "Peak to Peek"
When a person reaches a new "Peak" (level, mountaintop) of faith and obedience in God's will and God's call, then God broadens their knowledge, their understanding, their vision and enlightens their mind, challenges their faith, gives them another Peek into His plan, His leading, His call for their life. Walking in His light leads to walking in His light. This is growing in grace and knowledge of Christ.

From "Peak to Peak"
God not only gives us a vision and He not only extends our vision, He gives us victory after victory as we follow Him. We go from mountaintop to mountaintop. This requires us to travel through difficult terrain, dangerous forests, marshy and stagnant lowlands and dark valleys. But even the crooked ways are made straight, the high places are brought down, the low places are raised up along the way. Not everything is good, but all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

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