Friday, September 1, 2023


(A Biblical view of salvation requires a Biblical view of sin, the human condition and God.)

One of the main reasons that well meaning folks reject Biblical truth is because they have been educated and acculturated against the intention, power, provision and call of God to save people from the penalty, the power and the pollution of sin. They have been taught that salvation from sin is actually the outworking of salvation by works, or the false belief that deliverance from sin is not God's will or provided by God's grace.

Another problem is that people have been made comfortable in their sins, as if sin is acceptable to God, or that sin is a normal part of salvation.
Just as the Serpent convinced Eve that disobedience to God was right, good and expected, so too are people convinced by the Serpent today to turn away from the power of God, which is able to deliver them from sin, all sin, all the time.

It is true that we are always capable of disobeying God, and it is also true that there is no victory over sin unless a person fully trusts in Jesus. But it is not true that God's grace is unable to transform us from slaves of sin through lust and fear, into slaves of God through love and faith.

If sin's power is lauded and applauded from the pulpit and if holiness of heart and life are scorned and ridiculed as doctrines of demons, then well meaning Christians will be deceived into sins darkness rather than led into the light, life and love of Jesus.

Submission to God is not of the flesh and is not self righteousness and is not a cause for pride and self assurance. Read the graces, the traits that are part of the Christian life. Salvation does not make our sins less obnoxious to God; salvation makes us more desirous of godliness.

Don't reject conformity to the image of God as if it is contrary to the will, the way, the work and the word of God. Salvation is more than forgiveness. It is God transforming us and conforming us to the likeness of Christ.

Salvation is newness of life and purity of heart.
Yes, it is possible to fail and even fall but it is also possible, by the grace, the will, the power of God for the believer to remain faithful, abide in His presence, continue in the faith and in the Lord and in the grace of God. Salvation is no well meaning people doing the best the can; salvation is totally surrendered Christians allowing God to do His work in us, through us and by us.

I don't promote failed and faulty spiritual living. There are plenty of people doing that. I preach what the Bible teaches us. By faith and love and grace we can keep ourselves in the love of God and we can keep His commands and we can do that which is pleasing in His sight.

If we fail, we have an advocate with the Father, Christ Jesus the righteous. But because of His blood, His Spirit, His word, His anointed ministry we can follow fully and walk in a manner worthy of God and His calling.

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