Monday, September 11, 2023



I remember several decades ago when the USA invited Russian KGB officers to come to America and give training programs across the country, teaching US law enforcement KGB principles and techniques. I also remember that there were few voices raised against such a wicked program.

This came along at the same time the US Government was starting to target Christianity as a hindrance to State control. It was pretty much under the radar, as far as the general US population was concerned (especially most Christians), since they mistakenly equated the State with Christianity. I remember how fellow believers were antagonistic to me when I called on them to stand with us against State oppression, which eventually has filtered into every home and church in America.

Now it is clear that the US was needing the law enforcement principles of Russia to bring in the present social control and force value and behavior changes which conflict with Christian faith standards.

All we need to do is look at the present power and intrusion of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Government agencies into the lives of law abiding citizens, conservative citizens and Christian based faith organizations. This is why law enforcement at every level is willing to oppress the weak, the poor, those who hold to established and Christian principles. Not all, but a significant part of law enforcement and the so-called justice system, are willing to do the bidding of the State and excuse themselves by saying, "I am only doing what I am told."

Obviously I am not anti law enforcement and I do not believe that all of law enforcement wants to be oppressive, but even today there are people (including "Christians" and law enforcers), who side with a godless system before they stand with Bible and Christ followers. In fact, many of those who market themselves as patriotic Christians are the first to condemn those who follow Christ as Lord of their entire life.

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