When I say that we (saved people) can obey God, we can keep the commands of God, we can resist temptation, that God makes it possible for us to not sin (willfully disobey God), I realize it is contrary to what most people are taught today in American churches, yet it is what the Bible says.
I also know that false teachers sometimes say these same things. But just because false teachers say something does not mean that it is false.
Some false teachers say there is only one God, AND THEY ARE RIGHT.
Some false teachers say God is Triune, AND THEY ARE RIGHT.
Some false teachers say Jesus physically arose from the dead, AND THEY ARE RIGHT.
Being right about some things does not make them right about everything and being wrong about some things does not make them wrong about everything.
Don't think I am wrong just because some false teachers say the same thing.
Whether I make my viewpoint clear concerning God providing us a pure heart and enabling us to live righteously is one thing, but to say that the Bible denies these thing in the Old and the New Testament, is an obvious and demonstrable error.
So, if the Bible does teach that we can be cleansed from all sin and we can be empowered to live holy lives, then folks need to admit it and embrace it as the promise of God.
As children we often faced situations that we thought were impossible. But someone (such as a parent, a teacher, a coach, a friend, a doctor, a rescuer) told us we could do it. They encouraged, instructed, demonstrated, assisted and they might have even scorned or threatened us if we did not do what we needed to do. But with their support we tried to do what we thought was undoable, and we did it. At the time of the challenge we were doubtful, we were angry, we were frightened. But our mentor knew we could do it.
The same is true concerning living the victorious life over sin. God makes it possible and I try to encourage folks to trust Jesus completely and follow Him fully.
Living a life of total commitment and obedience is not a life of suffering; it is a life of faith and fulfillment. It is not a form of punishment or torment, it is fundamental blessing of being a Christian. It is God's seal of approval.
2 Timothy 2:19
19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
My desire for folks to live in a way that is pleasing to God is not for my own well being: it is for God's glory and for the good of the person who has been living an up and down, on and off, in and out, hot and cold, vacillating spiritual life.
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