Sometimes the enemy of your soul robs you at gun point, sometimes he robs you through deception, sometimes he robs you through embezzlement.
Sometimes you have no way of avoiding his attacks.
Sometimes we make it easy for him to rob us.
Sometimes you can turn the robber away by standing firm, resisting and fighting the good fight.
Sometimes you can avoid being deceived by being alert, studying Gods word, and submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes you can thwart his burglary by being watchful and being aware and committed to God's will.
If you avoid or if you neglect Biblical standards of personal or church responsibility, you are making yourself a willing target for the enemy of your soul and the enemy of your family.
You better have a Biblical pastor and you better follow Biblical directives or you can count on being robbed and raped and ruined eternally by the dark knight who rules the night.
I point out the importance of a Biblical pastor because this is what God knows we need and He has provided this protection, and requires us to submit to it.
Sometimes the enemy robs you of time.
Sometimes the enemy robs you of talent.
Sometimes the enemy robs you of opportunities.
Sometimes the enemy robs you of material treasure.
Sometimes the enemy robs you spiritual treasures.
Sometimes the enemy robs you of family, friends, faith.
Sometimes the enemy robs you of your inheritance from God, in this present life as well as in eternity.
Yes, Jesus is our only High Priest, but through His Holy Spirit, God has appointed shepherds to lead, to feed and to protect His people. And God has planned for us to have a local church to help us in our growth and ministry. No one has devised a better plan than God has.
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