Saturday, September 16, 2023



When leadership is not subject to legitimate rule, tyranny reigns.
When a nation is not answerable to legitimate law, the nation suffers.
When a church does not follow Biblical authority, the church and community suffers.

"Freedom" without accountability is anarchy, whether social or spiritual.

There comes a time when God calls people to accountability. When that happens there will be great losses, for time and eternity.

Christians have a responsibility to submit to legitimate authority in national and church issues.

When tyranny reigns, blood flows in the streets.
When good men do nothing, blood flows in the streets.
When anarchy runs rampant, blood flows in the streets.

Christians do not spill the blood of their enemies.
The enemies of Christ spill the blood of Christians, as if they are doing God's will.

Christians bear the "sword of the Spirit," not the sword of steel.

Bibles, ballots and bullets are the three ways that people choose national rule.
When the Bible is removed, the ballot will also be removed, leaving only bullets.

Jesus spilled His own blood for His enemies.
Christians also spill their own blood for the good fight of faith and the winning of the lost.

We (Christians) wrestle (fight) not against flesh and blood (other humans), but against spiritual powers.
The weapons of our (Christian) warfare are not carnal (material) but spiritual, for the pulling down of strongholds.
When the armor of God is not our armor, we are already losers, regardless of our finances, politics, education, social status.
When the "sword of the Spirit," is exchanged for the sword of steel, we have already lost to the enemy.

American Christians did not lose the battle in the Schoolhouse or the Courthouse or the Statehouse; American Christians lost the battle in their own houses when then failed to faithfully follow Jesus in their everyday lives, in the raising of their children and in their family affairs.

There comes a time for personal and national accountability. Whether a nation or an individual, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

After declaring His judgment against those who disobeyed the Law of Moses, God tells believers that those who have known Him and turned from Him will face a much worse punishment.
Hebrews 10:30-31
30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

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