Don't judge me too quickly. OK, are you ready? If you start reading this, you really need to read all of it. It isn't long.
So, what is the good side of the worldwide hysteria of Covid19?
It led to the shutting down of Government Schools (which schools led to the destroying of America over the past several decades).
OK, that is not the best part.
It meant parents could see what was being taught to their children during those hours when Amerika's children were being brainwashed to hate America, the Bible, family, Christ, each other, freedom, work, responsibility (and the list goes on), giving them an opportunity to rescue their children from Molech and to rescue their country from godless Socialism.
OK, that is not the best part.
God gave parents the opportunity to pull their children from the dark halls of abuse and deception and prejudice and perversion, with the real option of giving them Home Schooling, Christian Schooling. This would actually improve the educational and learning experience of the children and youth, and it would save them from the predators in the school busses, in the halls and the classrooms.
OK, that is not the best part.
Some parents did finally see the writing on the wall and the planned destruction of their children and their homes, and those parents did rescue their children from a God hating State.
But, of course, there is also bad news.
Most parents, even those who have a Christian heritage and attend conservative churches did not take advantage of the opportunity. They could not wait to send their children back to the altars of sacrifice and the clutches of Humanistic Change Agents.
Pastors had the opportunity to stand for truth, but silently sat by while children were being sold into slavery. At least Esau got a mess of beans.
No one who has sent their children to be taught by any Priest of Secular Humanism has a complaint about the disintegration of their families, the corrupting and damning of their children or the loss of America.
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