USA has been following UK and the EU in a death spiral of Secular Humanism (anti-Bible belief and behavior) until we have caught up with their insanity (remember, sin makes you crazy). Now we can lead the world to where no sane man has gone before.
American rejection of Christian faith, acceptance of corrupt reason, promotion of godless behavior, commitment to lawlessness and immorality, oppression of the poor and weak, the ridicule and persecution of Bible faith, and the open door to every form of paganism and perversion is why the greatest country in the history of the world will not be a player in the end times (which could be very soon).
We are watching the sudden destruction of faith, freedom and family, which leads to the end of civilized society.
God can still turn things around, if He chooses to intervene. However, we know that God will allow mankind to have its own way, leading to its own failure. Then, before humanity obliterates itself, God (Christ) will return, set up His kingdom, reign for a thousand years from Jerusalem, then will come the end of this present evil world, leading to the final judgment and eternity for all mankind, either with God in the New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem or away from God in eternal torment (the lake of fire).
Human bravado and saber waving will not save this world. Our only hope (corporately and personally) is faith in Jesus Christ. The arm of flesh will fail you, you dare not trust in self. Rise up oh men of God. It is time to surrender to the King of kings and march as a soldier of the cross. Do not trust in horses or chariots. Turn from sin and follow Jesus fully. Lift up the cross of Christ. Wave the banner of salvation. Come out from the world. Trust and obey Christ above all others. Receive the mind of Christ and walk in the Spirit, wielding the sword of the Spirit.
Be men.
Be men of God.
Be transformed.
Be Christlike.
Be sold out to God and righteousness.
Be true and faithful.
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