Thursday, December 28, 2023



I am guessing you have noticed the increasing push for us to use AI in our daily computing (communications, writings, research, entertainment, work, socializing). This is not incidental or coincidental to the coming end time events. It is integral to the plan and work of "The Evil One" (a.k.a the wicked one, the serpent, the dragon, the angel of light, the prince of the power of the air, the deceiver, the accuser of the brethren, the enemy of our soul, the murderer, the thief, the liar, the god of this world, Satan, the devil, the prince of demons, the prince of this world).

Technology is not the devil. Technology is a tool. Technology can be used for good or evil, for God or for the devil.
Printing is not the devil, theater is not the devil, radio is not the devil, motion pictures are not the devil, television is not the devil, computing is not the devil, internet is not the devil, social media is not the devil, but the devil takes advantage of these tools and wields them as instruments of corruption and destruction.

Now we see AI being developed. We need to realize that The Evil One has a plan for this technology, and it is something that he has intended for millennium. I don't know that The Evil One understood the technical aspect thousands of years ago, but he did have the basic principle of "image" worship in mind.

Remember, The Evil One is also known as the, "Deceiver," and "Liar," and "Angel of Light." AI is the most current tool of deception and it is the most perfectly suited to bring chaos and division to individuals and nations. It will probably be the main tool in demonic deception concerning the coming Beast.

Already people are using AI to do the research and due diligence concerning social, political, historical, ethical, health, relational issues as well as their spiritual information, knowledge, understanding and guidance.

We are being told by social media companies to let AI do our studying and research for us, in order that we may have "more time for more important," activities and relationships. A subtle trap indeed.

People need to guard and hold onto God's provision of pastor/teacher ministry, personal spiritual discipline (prayer, study, meditation, fellowship, discipleship), local church relationships, spiritual counsel through fellow believers (seasoned saints, and soldiers of the cross), which are being replaced by a few strikes on the keyboard. But what we get from our magic electronic devices is more like the contents of Pandora's box, and it is getting worse. The Evil One is seeing to that.

This invasion and delusion is not only personal, private, individual, it is also corporate and massive in scope. It is not just amusement, informational, social, it is political, relational, cultural, religious, transformational.

The Evil One uses media and social superstars (entertainment, artists, academics, athletes, captains of industry, religious leaders, political figures), but he is also moving to AI technology, which is more easily controlled by The Evil One, more readily available to the blind masses.

The Evil One uses technology to lead the unsuspecting and the proud and the thoroughly rebellious into his trap, through his devilish wisdom, authority, allure, appeal, in his misuse and abuse of the technology. Man's turning from God's word (His enlightenment, His truth, His revelation), and turning to the word of demons and mere mortals, which contradicts God's word is the religion of sin and death.

There is no spiritual growth without personal commitment, personal investment, personal sacrifice. People are allowing The Evil One to do their thinking for them, to make their choices for them, to determine their relationships, beliefs, behavior and destiny for them.

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