For those who erroneously believe that Jesus tried to escape the cross, that Jesus feared the cross, then you should not have a problem with the Woke mentality that says Jesus had flaws. In fact, folks are saying that Jesus actually sinned or that He became actual sin (when in reality, the Father made Him to be the sin sacrifice, as 2 Corinthians 5:21 should be understood to say).
Jesus did not become perversion, abortion, deception, murder, corruption, He became the sacrifice that takes away the sins of the world.
Jesus did not fear or try to escape the cross when He prayed in the Garden. He was praying that He would be saved from impending death which would have kept Him from the Cross.
Jesus, throughout eternity planned on dying for the sins of the world.
Jesus was promised and prophesied to take away our sins on the cross.
Jesus was born to die on the cross.
Jesus lived, taught, ministered and pursued His death on the cross.
Jesus promised and prophesied His death on the cross.
Jesus prayed that He would not die in the Garden and He was heard and saved from death in the Garden.
Neither did Jesus ever sin or become sin.
Jesus had no flaws, He had no failures.
Jesus was the flawless, sinless sacrifice for the sins of the world.
"Christians" have fallen into the trap of demeaning Christ, His nature, His life, His mission and His reputation by ascribing sin and failure to Him.
Modern, Liberal, Woke "Christianity" has a different Jesus, a different gospel and a different Spirit than the Biblical Jesus, Gospel and Holy Spirit.
People feel better when they can bring God down to their sinful level.
Jesus came, as a Man, but He had no sin.
Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh.
People want salvation without transformation.
People want a form of godliness without the power of salvation.
People want forgiveness without repentance.
People want newness without dying to the world, the flesh and the devil.
We are going to see more people turning away from the Bible message and we are going to see Christians blasphemed because they will not crawl into the pigsty with friends and family members.
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