I consider myself to be conservative, others might think I am cheap. I have never wanted to be wasteful. Even as a child I did not want "stuff," partially because I knew daddy worked hard to provide for us and I did not want to be a burden. Since I got saved at a very early age, and took my relationship with Jesus seriously, I tended to be a good steward of my belongings (though I had no idea of what the word "stewardship" meant). I took care of my stuff, which resulted in it lasting me a long time. When I went to Bible College I occasionally got a little help financially along the way, and I appreciated it, but by far I paid my own way. I had several jobs throughout my college years (summer work on charter boats, distribution at a newspaper office, worker at a funeral home and an ambulance attendant, server at a fast food store, door-to-door sales, loading dock worker, landscaping), therefore I realized the importance of a dollar.
I was never financially astute, but I did learn how to make a dollar stretch. Over the years I learned to do so much with so little that I could almost do anything with nothing. I have had more than my share of possessions, experiences, adventures, travels. I realize that those blessings actually were the gifts of God. I have always appreciated new things, but I tried to get as much service out of my belongings as possible. As a result I have often held onto things past their time of usefulness. (I think of myself as a collector rather than a hoarder... hehehe).
Okay, so what is my point? Well, at this advanced stage of my life I am divesting myself of rare treasures (actually useless and worthless stuff). But I also have some possessions that are useful, so, I am hoping to get my stuff sorted and manageable. I don't want to leave a mountain of debris for loved ones to have to sort through in the days ahead. (of course, if the rapture takes place, it will save a lot of us from a lot of trouble).
Through the years I have lost things, worn things out, broken things. Some of those things I have missed and some of them I don't even remember. Some of my most valued, "things" were not actually "things," they were experiences, relationships, lessons learned, places visited, adventures, spiritual realities. Most important has been Jesus and my journey with Him. My whole existence makes sense only in the light of my relationship with Jesus, including my family relationships and my ministry.
I have stuff that is as good as they were the day that I bought them (like my barbell and dumbbell sets, with iron plates... hehehe). I have exercise equipment, electronic devices, tools, office equipment, books and more books, kayaks, fishing gear, car and other stuff. And of course, I have a house, a workshop (Net House) and property (that I am paying for). Aside from the real estate, I don't really have many material goods to get excited about.
I do wish I had been wiser about finances and business matters, but I really did put my energy and emphasis on things that will last for eternity. But those things are not always appreciated.
I studied hard and spent my energy in learning Biblical truth and in being the best son I could be to my parents as well as the best husband, father and grandfather, and the best pastor/teacher I could be. I did not give my family much in terms of material wealth, but I tried to give to them the riches of God's glory so that they might live in Christ;
so that they might walk in victory;
so that they might be more than conquerors;
so that they might love God with their whole heart and thereby keep His commandments and do that which is pleasing in His sight;
so that they might be filled with all the fullness of God;
so that they might be conformed to the image of God's Son and that they might be made pure, even as He is pure;
so that they might be brought up in the whole counsel of God;
so that they would know the truth and walk in the light;
so that they would be made perfect in love;
so that they would not be ensnared or led astray by the world, the flesh or the devil;
so that they would not come behind in any gift or blessing of God;
so that they might be blameless in the day of Christ;
so that they might fight the good fight and finish their course faithfully;
so that they might attain to the resurrection from among the dead.
I would have loved to have had a mother and father who put Jesus first in their lives and in our family (they did not, but I loved them with my whole heart).
I would loved to been taught the word of God in its purity and power (but I was not, yet I am overwhelmingly thankful for what my parents did to afford me the opportunity to learn Biblical truth).
I would have loved to have had Biblical counsel that would have saved me from unnecessary spiritual bumps, bruises and bungling in my walk with Christ (but I did not have Biblical counsel, still, I am grateful that my parents loved me and encouraged me to follow the Lord).
I would have loved to be able to worship with parents, grandparents, and other family members (but few of them were actual and active followers of Christ, yet those few occasions of "church time" were precious to me).
I would like to have had more time to sit at the Table with mamma and daddy.
And now, the time and opportunity for those wishes are gone.
I am trying to get my stuff in order these days, because you never know when you will no longer be able to get things in order. If the rapture does not take place during my lifetime, I hope I don't leave too much confusion in the "stuff" I leave behind. But mostly I would like to have all of the important parts of my life in the best of order. I would like to leave my real treasures in good order, in good relationships.
And I know I have a lot of friends who have some of the same thoughts, who have some of the same emotions. For folks who are grasping at the temporal, don't forget those who have loved you, when you were unlovable and did the best to give you the best they had.
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