Thursday, December 28, 2023



Before anyone  else lived on the land, "between the river and the sea," God owned it. The earliest inhabitants were notoriously evil, beyond many of their neighbors in those days. Altars were built, upon which children would be sacrificed to Baal and Molech (Moloch) and the evil practice was carried from country to country all across the western world, from the land of the Phoenicians (Lebanon) and Canaan (Philistines) to Sardinia and Carthage. Even to this day thousands of jars, containing the charred remains of tens of thousands of infants and children have been discovered in those areas. God took the land from those people who had turned from the God of Abel, Seth, Enoch and Noah, and gave it to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).

The kingdoms and empires of Canaan (Lebanan), Moab and Edom and Ammon (Jordan), the Amorites, Aram (Syria), Asshur and Assyria (Iraq), Dedan and Ophir and Jobab and Sheba (Saudi Arabia), Mizraim (Egypt), Midian (Jordan and Saudi Arabia), Philistia (Turkey and Syria), Phoenicia (Lebanon), Phut (Libya) had turned from their monotheistic heritage in Noah to believe in a warped and corrupted pantheon of false gods and to worship beasts and demons. Part of this worship included the burning of children alive, by the thousands.

God dispossessed some of those people and gave the land to Abraham. God led Abraham out of an idol worshiping culture in Ur (Iraq), with a promise to give him land in Canaan, along with a great line of descendants.

Abraham, a Hebrew, came into a relationship with the One, True, Creator God. God intended to reach out to all people by the message He gave to Abraham, and through the promised Messiah, which would come through Abraham's linage. The Messiah would be Jesus, in the line of David, from the tribe of Judah, in the line of Isaac (Israel), Jacob and Abraham.

God promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and He had promised to send salvation through the seed of the woman (Eve, Sarah and ultimately Mary).

The land of Israel was promised to Abraham by God, just as the plan of salvation was the promise by God to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and king David.

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