Friday, December 29, 2023



Whether you are a Nikki Haley supporter or not, the fact is she answered the question about the War Between the States correctly. It was about the place of Government in society. (yes, it did involve slavery, duh, but it was about the power of Government; it was also about finances and taxes. It was not because all Southerners were racist and all Northerners were champions of freedom and justice).

Saying that Haley and Southerners and Conservatives and Christians are racist for not using the words, "slavery" or "race" in her answer does not promote slavery (only a fool would think such a thing), and it does not permit slavery. This is part of the Left's attack on an entire part of American society, history, heritage, politics, religion, and such an attack actually promotes racism, national upheaval, oppression and discrimination against all races. The facts are so abundant that I won't take time to address them here. After all, the present day attacks on the South, Political Conservatism, white people and Christianity is couched in ignorance concerning history (USA and CSA) and American regional economics, and actual, legalized slavery in the US. This is evident by Lincoln's view of racism and slavery and his actual motivation to save the Union, along with the fact that slavery was legally and politically protected in States that were not part of the South.

The people who attack Southerners, Conservatives, white people who actually know the facts concerning slavery and racism, are people who don't know basic history. For instance, most people who still like to laud it over poor, ignorant, uneducated Southerners, think that the Emancipation Proclamation was Lincoln's act of setting the slaves free. Revising history, demonizing groups, bringing civil upheaval and distrust are the steps taken by Communists and Socialists, and they are the steps being taken in America.

When people discard or destroy the truth about basic historical facts, we should not listen to their explanation of the Constitution, National Economics, Racial Justice or Religious Beliefs or Cultural Fundamentals. It is a ploy to destroy.

This post is not about excusing racism or slavery. It is about honest and just dealings with human problems.

And just in case someone did not get it the first hundreds of times I have said it or did not hear it over the past 160 years, or they have only read revisionist history, WE DON'T WANT SLAVERY OR BIGOTRY.

Regionalism, European and Christian and White Culture, Christian Religion and American values can now be attacked, as long as people use the Race Card or the Religion Card. Our whole country is being attacked under the guise of Social Justice, and the elitists start and carry forward the attack by supposedly being champions of justice, tilting their lances at despised windmills.

The enemy thinks that if he can discredit the righteous, he can defeat the masses. He may be right about that.

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