Thursday, December 28, 2023



(This may seem simple, but it is very important to know. Accept the essentials, don't worry about the unclear details.)
There are things that God revealed with great detail.
There are things that God revealed with some detail.
There are things that God revealed without detail.
There are things God has not revealed.

There are some things we need to know.
There are some things we don't need to know.

We need to know that we have sinned.
We need to know that sin separates from God.
We need to know that we cannot atone for sin.
We need to know that God has provided atonement.
We need to know that atonement comes only through Christ.
We need to know God's plan of salvation.
God promised and revealed the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and second coming of the Savior (including time, place, circumstances), but He did not reveal every detail.

I need to know about the Savior's birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and second coming, but I do not need to know all the details.

I know that Messiah was BORN (location, time, circumstances) but not in detail. I don't need to know all details.
I know that Messiah LIVED (location, time, circumstances) but not in detail. I don't need to know all details.
I know that Messiah DIED (location, time, circumstances) but not in detail. I don't need to know all details.
I know that Messiah ROSE AGAIN (location, time, circumstances) but not in detail. I don't need to know all details.
I know that Messiah ASCENDED (location, time, circumstances) but not in detail. I don't need to know all details.
I know that Messiah IS RETURNING (location, time, circumstances) but not in detail. I don't need to know all details.

These are the essential, yet it is not essential that we know every detail.

There are other prophecies God has given us, which are important, but we do not know all of the details.
We need to know what God has revealed, but we do no need to know or be able to explain all of the details of those prophecies.

Some details in a prophecy are evident when the prophecy is given.
Some details become evident over a period of time.
Some details will not be evident until the prophecy is fulfilled completely.
(Just a personal note at this point)
I don't know and don't care about knowing some details. There are people who make it essential to accept their view of details (though they are not clearly stated in Scripture). Not only does this bring division, it often leads to cult beliefs.

Because of the clear revelation of the Bible, I know Jesus was born, lived, died, rose again, ascended and is coming back. I know some of the details because God clearly revealed some of the details. I do not know some of the details, but that does not change my relationship or my faith in Him.

I celebrate His coming, because it fulfills God's plan of salvation.
Merry Christmas (He is born).
Happy Resurrection (He is risen).
Walk in Victory (to live is Christ and to die is gain; even so, come Lord Jesus).

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