Thursday, December 28, 2023



Supposed antiestablishmentarian radicals (whether political, social, religious, musical, philosophical, or ethical) throughout history have been part of mass movements. It has been laughable to hear people boast about their individuality as they walk like, talk like, dress like, dance like, protest like, think like, eat like the multitudes of other people who claim to be, "not like everyone else."

Ultimately we are either followers of God or followers of the wannabe "god of this world." Those who choose not to follow the God of the Bible either follow some human leader (example, model) or some idea, which originated in the mind of The Prince of Darkness. There are not any actual "originals." Folks make a mistake, whether they think they are unique or that their uniqueness is unique.

There is only one truth, one right, one wise, one way and any rebellion against that one is rebellion against The One.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death.

As has been said,
There are four kinds of men.
1 The man who knows not and knows not that he knows not...
that man is a fool, avoid him.
2 The man who knows not and knows that he knows not...
that man is uneducated, teach him.
3The man who knows and knows not that he knows...
that man is asleep, awaken him.
4The man who knows and knows that he knows...
that man is a wise man, follow him.

Jesus said,
John 14:6
6 ..., I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Jesus knows and He knows that He knows, follow Him.

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