Deliverance from sin and sinning is the miraculous work of God's salvation.
Deliverance from sin and sinning is the reason the Father sent the Son.
Deliverance from sin and sinning is the reason Jesus came, lived, died and rose again.
Deliverance from sin and sinning is the reason Jesus sent His Holy Spirit.
Deliverance from sin and sinning is the reason God gave us His word.
Living in righteousness is not self salvation, or self adoration or self promotion, anymore than being washed in the blood of Christ is self oriented.
Living in sin is self serving and self honoring at the expense of the great God Who has given us everything needed for life and godliness.
As God's word points out, Jesus gave Himself to redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a distinctive people, zealous of good works; God cleanses our hands and purifies our hearts; we are not only alive to God, but we are dead to sin.
Make your decisions about victory over sin and sinning, based on what God says in His word.
Don't make your decisions based on your own experience.
Don't make your decisions based on another person's experiences.
If God does not provide, command, enable believers with victory over all sin at all times, then how much sin does He save us from?
How much sin does He allow?
How many sins does it take to separate from God?
If you break one of God's commands, how many commands have you broken?
Should a murderer expect to give up most murder after he gets saved?
Should a wife beater only beat his wife occasionally after he gets saved.
Should a philandering husband or wife be mostly faithful to their marriage or completely faithful after salvation?
Should a thief only steal from rich people after he gets saved?
Should a pedophile only violate a few children after he gets saved?
Should a liar only be expected to tell the truth most of the time after he gets saved?
Is God's command to not sin, unclear?
Is God's atonement not sufficient to cleanse from all sin?
Is God's power not able to deliver from temptation?
Is God's will not to conform us to the image of His Son?
Is God's leading unable to lead us, "not into temptation" or is it unable to, "deliver us from the evil one?"
Is God lying when He says that His children do not walk in darkness, when He says that they do not sin?
Is God in error when He says that those who love Him will keep His commandments, and when He says, love is the fulfilling of the law?
Is God mistaken when He say that the person who commits sin is of the devil?
Is God wrong when He says that those who do righteousness are righteous, even as God is righteous?
There is a very evil belief being promoted by a multitude of popular false prophets today, which says God saves us from the penalty of sin, in this life, but not from sin, its pollution, its power, its domain, its deception or from the life of sin and sinning. You may come up with that false belief by listening to errant teachers and misinterpreted Scriptures, but you won't find it clearly taught in the Holy Bible. A salvation that does not save from sin and sinning is not salvation. A savior that does not save from sin and sinning is not a Savior.
We live in a day of woke and broke Christianity. If Satan cannot get people to reject and resist true salvation though one of his schemes, he will resort to other tactics. Don't fall for his lies.
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